Mentor Merlin provides a complete guide to NMC OSCE Booking, aimed at providing you with necessary details of all OSCE Test Centres and free NMC OSCE guidance by Mentor Merlin’s Mentors.
There is some vital information you need to be aware of on OSCE Booking. For instance, choosing your OSCE Centre and its policies.

NMC has awarded contracts to five partners to deliver the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) part of the ToC from February 2022 onwards. In other words, apart from the current three OSCE centres, there are two more NMC OSCE Test centres available for candidates from December 2021.
- Oxford Brookes University
- University of Northampton
- Ulster University
- Northumbria University
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
New OSCE 10 Stations Free Introduction Session – Part of OSCE Comprehensive Training Programme Online and On-site combined Training –
Book Your Free OSCE Introduction Session
To expand further, in addition to renewing the contracts with the current OSCE delivery partners – the University of Northampton, Oxford Brookes University, and Ulster University – NMC has awarded contracts to Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Northumbria University.
Mentor Merlin has developed the necessary materials to help you prepare for OSCE.
NMC OSCE Capability Checker is designed by Mentor Merlin as an opportunity for self-assessment before starting the OSCE Comprehensive Training Programme.
This full course training comprises both online and on-site OSCE training. Furthermore which is coined by Mentor Merlin OSCE cleared candidates as Everything you need to crack (EYNTC) OSCE in the first attempt itself.
OSCE Booking Costs
The cost of the full/new OSCE application is £794. Moreover, the test centres accept payment made online by credit card/visa debit for Part 2 of the NMC Test of Competence.
For booking enquiries email
This is non-refundable in the event of cancellation. Cancellation charges are applied in all cases. Cancellation charges depend on when the written cancellation notice is received to the respective OSCE Test Centres.
Candidates are eligible for a full refund If cancellation or reschedule is provided within three weeks’ notice to OSCE. So, please see below for the refund rates.
Over three weeks of cancellation notice: full refund;
There are some exceptional circumstances considered for a refund supporting a medical certificate.
Alternatively, reporting within 14 days of the test date allows a substitute candidate to appear for OSCE.
This is to allow them enough time to access Blackboard Learn. There will be no extra surcharge for making a substitution.
Reschedule your OSCE test date
Candidates wishing to reschedule their test date must contact the Competence Test Centre.
Candidates are required to re-book a new test date with full payment failing to follow this period and inform the respective Competence Test Centre.
Get Now! – OSCE Capability Checker
OSCE Resits
You must allow ten days between the original test date and re-sit to allow for additional preparation and action on feedback.
A partial resit will cost £397 and a full resit will cost £794.
NMC OSCE Booking at the Northampton University
The Northampton University have a designated test centre at the Innovation Centre, located directly opposite Northampton Train Station.
The competency test centre at the University of Northampton is a bespoke assessment area specifically designed and built for the delivery of the OSCE.
The booking system will allow those who pay via debit/credit purchase card to book the slots themselves. To do this, please email for the protected links and the system will ask for mandatory fields of information in order to complete the booking.
Are you aware of Merlin Centre at Northampton?
OSCE On-site Training at Merlin Centre Northampton (Close to the Northampton University)

Alternatively, those who pay by purchase order or invoice may request bookings through Furthermore, Please note a copy of the original purchase order, and full candidate details will be required in order to confirm a booking. The system will not accept blank, reserved entries, or candidates that are not yet eligible to book.
NMC OSCE Booking at the Oxford University
Oxford Brookes University provides Part 2 of the NMC’s Test of Competence on campuses in Swindon and Oxford. Oxford currently runs Monday-Friday and Swindon Monday-Wednesday.
Are you aware of Merlin Centre in London? – Chat Now For More Details

Applying for the Test of Competence OSCE
If a candidate has a Candidate number beginning with ‘C’ then they must only sit the OSCE. Then successfully completing the Computer Based Test (CBT). If a candidate has a PRN number beginning with ’10…’, they may sit the CBT and OSCE in any order, however, most do complete the CBT first.
For all booking inquiries contact
NMC OSCE Booking at the Ulster University
Ulster University offers the OSCE part 2 of the Nursing Midwifery Council’s Test of Competence for nurses and midwives. The OSCE centre is at Magee Campus.
OSCE On-site Training at Merlin Centre Northampton or London WhatsApp Chat Now

For all booking, inquiries contact (for individuals) or (for NHS Trusts and agencies).
• NMC OSCE Booking at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
To book a test at the Leeds site, please email, or for general inquiries about the new centre, email
• NMC OSCE Booking at the Northumbria University
For a quicker booking, give a call on 0191 3002441 or Click here!>>
For more details, consult with your personal mentor or chat live now

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