September 19, 2024
60 Gold Street, Northampton, United Kingdom

10 Things you should never forget in NMC OSCE Implementation Station

In the NMC OSCE Implementation Station, it’s crucial to remember key aspects to demonstrate your competence effectively. Here are ten things to never forget: 1. Station Timing: Practice the NMC OSCE implementation station with a timer and complete in 15 minutes. Recommend to complete prescription reading within 5 minutes.2. Check Patient Identification: while performing NMC

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NMC OSCE OSCE Study Guides and Tips Uncategorized

12 common mistakes in NMC OSCE blood glucose monitoring Station

During the NMC OSCE Blood glucose monitoring station, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes when performing the station. Here are some typical errors and how to prevent them: 12.  Documentation: o   Document obtained value Date/Time/Sign accurately on chart By avoiding these errors, you can ensure accurate blood glucose monitoring and maintain patient safety in

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Uncategorized CBT Exam CBT Exam Overview

What to Expect on your CBT Test Day- 2024?

On the day of the CBT Test Arrival procedures at the test centre DO’s DONT’s You must provide your digital signature and have your photograph taken. Thephotographs and signatures are sent to us. Candidates must not access any prohibited personal items during their stay at the test centre. Storage space is small, and the test centre

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OET OET Exam Overview Uncategorized

OET exam dates in 2024: Comprehensive Guide for Paper and Computer

Table of Contents A comprehensive list of exam dates for both methods, aiding you in registration and result anticipation. OET for Nurses: Paper vs. Computer: Choosing the Right Format for You ​ The Occupational English Test (OET) is crucial for nurses seeking registration and career opportunities abroad. But with the introduction of computer-based testing alongside

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