The NMC OSCE Viva 2023 is a remarkable opportunity that offers candidates who demonstrate excellent performance in their exams, a chance to verbally rectify their omission of demonstrating their knowledge of one item of the mark scheme, at the end of the station.

This opportunity is only available during the first attempt examination and is not applicable for re-sit exams.
A Viva can only be applied once per OSCE exam. It cannot be applied to silent written stations, or to rectify poor technique in a practical skill station. It can be applied by the examiner only when the timer reaches zero and if the examiner recognises an omission within the station time.
The Viva involves a question being asked by an examiner, and the candidate will have an opportunity to provide a verbal rectification e.g., that s/he omitted to add a signature to a record. As part of the Viva, candidates are not allowed to amend any records already made and are not permitted to demonstrate clinical skills.
Due to the success of the VIVA project, all aspiring nursing and midwifery candidates, as well as those hoping to join the register as nursing associates in NMC UK council, will have access to the Viva test. This test is an assessment tool that evaluates a candidate’s communication skills, clinical knowledge, and decision-making abilities through an interview format.
The Viva test will only be available to individuals taking the test for the first time and will not be applied to written stations. Initially, it will be implemented on a single station, with plans to expand as needed.
The Viva does not change the level of preparation candidates need to undertake for the test and there are no plans currently to make changes to the published marking criteria. The Viva will not require new or additional learning and will not apply to those candidates that make errors in the test which constitute serious patient safety concerns.

How can a candidate determine if a Viva has been conducted?
After the completion of a station, the examiner may ask a question to the candidate to assess their understanding of the topic. In case the candidate provides an incorrect answer during the station, they will be given a chance to rectify their response verbally. It is important to note that a candidate cannot request a Viva, which is a process that is automatically applied by the assessor if the candidate fails to demonstrate sufficient knowledge or skills during the station.
Are you aware of the circumstances where a Viva might not be applied?
If a candidate is unable to exhibit the necessary level of safety or competence in a particular station, they will not be considered for a certain Viva application. This means that the candidate must successfully complete the station in question in order to be eligible for the application.
It is worth noting that the Viva application will be offered to the candidate at the earliest opportunity, regardless of whether they have failed any stations previously.
If a candidate correctly rectifies their omission, the examiner will mark the station as a pass. However, if a candidate does not provide the correct rectification, then they will receive further information in the personalised feedback they receive. The results of the Viva are moderated alongside the OSCE.
Can I appeal if my examiner did not apply for a Viva?
The Viva does not have any influence on the appeal process for candidates. In other words, regardless of whether a candidate passes or fails their Viva, it will not impact their ability to appeal their results or seek a review of their assessment. The appeal process remains independent and does not take into account the outcome of the Viva.
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