Blood glucose monitoring station documentation in NMC OSCE is crucial in managing patients with diabetes or other conditions affecting glucose levels. Here’s what a typical blood glucose monitoring documentation might include:
1. Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Patient Information
- Name
- Date of birth
- Hospital/NHS number
2. Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Date and Time of Measurement
- Record the date and time of each blood glucose check.
- This helps in tracking patterns or fluctuations in glucose levels.

3. Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Blood Glucose Level
- The actual glucose level reading (in mmol/L).
- Indicate whether the reading is pre-meal (fasting) or post-meal.
4. Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Target Range
- Record the target glucose range for the patient (e.g., Normal Blood Glucose Range4-7 mmol/L).
- Compare current readings with the target.
5. Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Signs and Symptoms
- Give health education on hyperglycaemia (e.g., thirst, frequent urination) or hypoglycaemia (e.g., sweating, confusion).
- Include any actions taken (e.g., Give sugary drink or stick to the diabetic diet depend on result).
6. Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Food Intake
Identify Pre-meal or post-meal scenario:
Post-Meal Blood Glucose Level:
Measure blood glucose level within 2 hours after food intake
Pre-Meal Blood Glucose Level:
Measure blood glucose level more than 2 hours after food intake
7. Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Signature and Date
- The healthcare professional documenting the glucose check should sign and date the record.

Blood glucose monitoring station documentation: Sample Template
This format ensures comprehensive tracking of a patient’s glucose levels and related interventions, which is essential for effective diabetes management.
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